What are your Key Moments TM?

Pocket Watch Keys

Before the 1850s, pocket watches could only be wound using a pocket watch key and these exquisite little tools became redundant with the development and manufacture by Patek Phillippe of the stem-wind, stem-set movement watch.

Have a look at the following links if you would like to learn more about pocket watches:


As a busy jewellery designer and dealer, for some reason I hadn’t really paid much attention to pocket watch keys until I was asked by a friend to find some for her.  Suddenly I began to notice them and I became entranced by the quality and variety of materials used – many are made of gilt brass with steel winders but they can also be made of gold, be very decorative and contain gemstones or agates.  

I have also seen pocket watch keys designed as hunting horns, harps and horses’ heads. The one that I sadly let get away was both a key and a seal – the intaglio seal folded out from the centre of the key on an arm – I doubt I will see one of those again, but you never know!

The first one that I bought for myself was gilt metal and was an advertising key for Samuels – presumably they sold the pocket watch that went with it.

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It was the first advertising key that I had seen but the clincher was the large S on the front.

That it was for Samuels in Manchester which was across the Mersey ship canal from where I grew up and is home to my favourite football team (United of course) seemed like fate.

I was hooked!

I bought more!

The Birth of Key MomentsTM

I like to take objects and see how they can be used as something else. Why did they need to be used as a key?

I began to wear my keys on a chain as pendants.

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The more I wore them, the more I thought about how I could bring these lovely little objects up to date but without changing their overall design.

The light bulb moment for both the little jewel and its name came to me in the early hours of a sleepless night – I’m not sure which is the chicken and which the egg - the sleeplessness or the ideas!

Our experience in the jewellery trade as designers, makers and dealers, has taught us many things and perhaps the most important is the emotional attachment people feel for jewels that have meaning to them.  

Recognising my own emotional response to finding the Samuels key, I knew that other people could feel the same way.  

It was important to keep the original design so just how decorative could we make them without moving away from this?

Scarab London works on many bespoke projects for individual clients - could they be personalised to the wearer?

Well, the only way to find out was for me to design my Key Moments TM.

Designing my Key MomentsTM

I chose one of the keys from my collection.

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I decided to make my Key MomentsTM in silver.

We didn’t need to add a loop to the top of the key – it already had a round link that a chain would fit through and as that link swivels, this was ideal.

I replaced the number with a letter – S of course!

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I substituted an opal (my birth stone) for the embossed floral design.

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If you would like to learn more about your birthstone and the meaning of gemstones, use the links below:


My birth sign was engraved around the edge of the round centre and interspersed with small diamonds – well they are a girl’s best friend!

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So those are some of my  Key Moments TM with my birthstone and birth sign.

You will have different Key Moments TM to celebrate either for yourself or for a loved one.

Whatever your Key Moments TM, we  are now thrilled to introduce our unique Key Moments TM bespoke collection designed by you for you and created by Scarab London.

Contact us by telephone or email if you would like to start creating your Key Moments TM

What are your Key MomentsTM?

David Boettcher

Jewels by Scarab Arrow
Jewels by Scarab Arrow